Private Sub btn_Write32BitInteger_Click()
Dim lReturnCode As Long 'Return code
Dim buffer32BitInteger As udt32BitInteger 'User-defined type for '32bit Integer' data
Dim bufferInteger As udtInteger 'User-defined type for writing to the PLC
'Error Handler
On Error GoTo CatchError
'Copy the TextBox data to the user-defined type for '32bit Integer'.
buffer32BitInteger.l32BitInteger = CLng(txt_Write32BitInteger.Text)
'Copy the 'buffer32BitInteger' to the user-defined type for writing to the PLC.
LSet bufferInteger = buffer32BitInteger
'The WriteDeviceBlock2 method is executed.(to D10-D11)
lReturnCode = ActEasyIF1.WriteDeviceBlock2("D10",